Monday, January 21, 2013

It's official...

...she definitely got eyelashes just like her big bubba!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

10 months old

Please forgive the next 2 photos.  It was dark and I grabbed the first camera I could find before she decided to sit back down.  :-)

my funny little man

Thursday, January 10, 2013

baby blues

I recently discovered my son has sectoral heterochromia in his eye.  I can't help but stare at it...ALL THE TIME!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Our favorite memories from 2012

Snow Days!!

Miss Bailey Paige was born.

Love her!

Our nephew, Ellis, was born.

The boy LOVES the water!

Kevin's surprise birthday helicopter ride.

Having Dad back from the hospital after his stroke.

Noah learns to drive Gordon, the tractor (yes, he named it).

Kitchen remodel which is still IN PROGRESS....ughhh.

Our cousin's baby, Jordan, was born.  He's so sweet!

Happy Halloween

Spending Christmas as a family of 4 (well 5 if you count Bernie-dog).

But most of all, my sweet babies and how much they love each other.  Noah is the best big brother and has loved her from the day she was born.  And Bailey adores her big bubba.